Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wheel of the Year

 I normally don't ahve the focus to work on something so stitch heavy.  I get bored easily and then put it off and since my brain won't usually allow me to start on a project before I finish the current one, I get in a stitch stop.  This one was a bit different, because I could set very clear goals on where to start and stop.  

This is the Wheel of the Year.  It's the 8 Pagan holidays celebrated each year.  I decided I really wanted to do a Wheel of the Year piece, and this one by The Witchy Stitcher is just beautiful!  So I said I would start one sabbat/holiday and aim to finish it by the time that sabbat/holiday rolled around.  The only one I didn't finish before was Ostara, that purple rabbit, and I actually started and finished it ON Ostara, so it counts!  SO it was basically 8 mini projects, plus the pentagram in the middle.  It took me less than a year to finish, because I started on Samhain around mid-October and finished Lughnasadh, the last one, in August.  So I guess technically that is the one I didn't finish on time but whatever.  It's done, and I really love how it came out.  

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