Sunday, October 8, 2023

Wuv Twoo Wuv

I have THE coolest husband ever. He puts up with my moodiness. He puts up with me endlessly doing cross stitch and embroidery when he's trying to watch something. He is supportive and funny and sweet and thoughtful and the CUTEST ever. I like to make him cute cross stitches for Valentine's Day and I try not to miss a year (though I have in the past...). He has made a collage in our bedroom of every piece of art I have ever done for him. Here are some of the things on the Wall of Love. I just sort of stitched this one up from an online alphabet.
I believe this is from The Witchy Stitcher and I remember giving it to him WAAAY late...
I can't remember where I got this one, but it was on Etsy, I'm pretty sure.
I'm sure I'll find more of these, digging through my photos.

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